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Ear Nose & Throat Society

Education Mission Statement

The Members of the Connecticut ENT Society are committed to advancing the highest standards of ear, nose and throat care through continuing education activities. The Connecticut ENT  Society's Semiannual Scientific Education Programs are dedicated to improving and protecting our patient’s ear, nose and throat health by presenting advances in the diagnosis and treatment of ear,nose and throat disease. Our target audience includes otolarygologists and their staff, including office managers and medical assistants. Activities range from didactic lectures to participatory activities, and whenever possible are approved for CME credit. We expect that our audience will incorporate best practices, as presented, into their daily practice to improve patient care. Specific competency, performance and patient outcome goals that will result from the program will be proposed by the presenters and evaluated by the participants.

Bylaws (updated May 2023)

Denise Tyrrell

127 Washington Avenue

East Building, Lower Level

North Haven, CT 06473

Phone: 203-865-0587

Fax: 203-865-4997

©2024 Connecticut ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) Society

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